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The reality of climate change and how to reduce your carbon footprint

It’s the hottest topic talked about on the streets and that is quite literally what everyone is talking about, the heat! Less than a week ago Europe was hit with a heatwave, bringing with it scorching temperatures and beating records for the hottest temperatures to be recorded and setting July to be the hottest month on record for parts of the UK.

It does goes without saying that in summer, especially in England, everyone is eager to get out and enjoy all the sunshine and warmth that we can. However there was a differently feeling in last week’s heatwave that had people saying, “it’s simply too hot.” And that’s exactly what the top scientist in the world are saying to our world leaders, prompting the United Nations to deliver a stark warning that by not taking action now the extreme weather events will continue to increase and intensify and that is just the beginning of the drastic implications we will face unless action is taken.

The world is currently 1C warmer than preindustrial levels and it has been severely warned that the planet is at its tipping point of restoring itself which would impact the chances of humans and living things continuing to survive on this planet if we continue the way we are going. Everything from the use of plastics to our farming and agriculture industries, to our overall Carbon footprint (the amount of greenhouse gases produced for human activity)

There is a general public misunderstanding around what Climate change actually means and the simplest way to put is the long-term shift in the planets stability from weather and temperatures. The earth has naturally had a shift in climate since its history however the last 2,000 years has seen a continuous stability in its climate. Its hasn’t had such a drastic turn until the 20th and 21st centuries where human activity and our Carbon footprint has been the driving force for this extremely concerning impact we have had on the dramatic rise on our planets climate. Along with the damaging effects from plastic pollution, over fishing, destroying the rainforest and our agricultural production we have put the planet into an unstable place which will overall effect our chances to live on the planet.

There is still a fighting chance however and making simple changes to your everyday routines and habits will contribute to helping our planet. Here at Fraser & Co we aim to do our part in making a difference and to reduce our carbon footprint this has included the introduction of a cycle to work scheme for all employees. Fraser and co metal water bottles to reduce the use of plastic water bottles, and the move to going paperless within the company.

Want to know what you can do to make a difference?

Here are a few tips that you can easily fit into your everyday life that will have a positive effect on your carbon footprint and to do your part in protecting our planet.

Eat less meat

The agricultural industry is one of the biggest contributors to climate change. Forestry and other land accounts for 24 per cent of greenhouse gases. This is because cows and sheep produce large quantities of methane, a global warming gas. Reducing, if not cutting out the amount of meat you consume will have significant environmental benefits.

Go electric

The comforts and luxuries of driving a car might feel better for you however try switching to an electric vehicle. This won’t cut out your transportation carbon foot print completely but the use of electric cars means a significant drop in the use of burning fuels to run it.

Ditch the plastic

One of the most talked about topics for this year, the plastic problem has been brought to light as to just how much this is a problem that is directly from human activity. Many companies taking small steps to reducing there plastic waste including the phasing out of plastic bags and straws. Plastic can take up to 1,000 plus years to decompose, meaning every bit of plastic that has been produced is still around.
You can do even more by buying products that are not wrapped in plastic and choosing to take your own reusable bags to the shops. Choose wooden toothbrushes and recyclable containers and you will notice a dramatic drop in your everyday plastic use.

Insulate your home

Insulating your home to help keep it warm means less burning of fossil fuels in our power stations and in the long run, financially means you pay less for power. Fraser tip is to ensure your home is draft free, ensure all walks and gaps are sealed up to ensure you are not letting the heat out.